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Book Southwest Flight Tickets through World Flight Vibes and get cheap Southwest tickets to Dallas from the UK. The airline flies to 121 destinations. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Southwest to North America, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
The United States Southwest Airlines Co. is a major airline that works as a low-cost carrier. Its main office is in Love Field, Dallas, in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex. It regularly flies to 121 places in the US and 10 other countries. As of 2018, Southwest flew more passengers within the United States than any other airline. Amount of passengers moved makes it the third biggest airline in the world right now. Southwest Airlines Co. was founded by Herb Kelleher and Rollin King on March 9, 1967, as Air Southwest Co. It changed to Southwest Airlines Co. in 1971, when it started flying only within Texas, between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. In 1979, it started regional international service. Over the next few decades, it grew to serve the whole country. Southwest currently flies to airports in 42 states and several places in Central America. Southwest's way of doing business is different from other US companies. It has a moving hub and point-to-point network; you can check one bag for free. Its fleet is made up of only Boeing 737 flights. The airline has about 66,100 workers and about 4,000 daily flights during the busiest travel times. Looking for cheap Southwest tickets to Texas? World Flight Vibes has great deals to help you find the best price on your next flight.
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