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Book Royal Brunei Flight Tickets through World Flight Vibes and get cheap Royal Brunei tickets to Brunei from the UK. The company has flights to more than 30 places. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Royal Brunei tickets to Asia, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
Royal Brunei Airlines is the official airline of Brunei and is owned by the government. The airline's home airport is Brunei International Airport (BWN), and it regularly flies to places in Asia, Oceania, and Europe. The airline began in 1974, and its first flight was between Brunei and Singapore the next year. When it started, the airline had only two flights and flew to only three places in its first year. The carrier now has 15 flights and flies internationally to more than 30 places. At the moment, Royal Brunei Airlines is the only Bruneian airline that regularly flies travellers to and from the country. Because of this, it is the main way that tourists enter and leave the country. The airline that Royal Brunei owns is called RB Link. RB Link has flights to cities in Malaysia and Indonesia that are close by. Looking for cheap Royal Brunei tickets to Brunei? World Flight Vibes has great deals to help you find the best price on your next flight.
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