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Book Nesma Airlines Flight Tickets through World Flight Vibes and get cheap Nesma Airlines tickets to Jeddah from the UK. The airline flies to 30 destinations. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Nesma Airlines tickets to Asia, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
Nesma Airlines is a Saudi Arabian airline that flies inside and outside Saudi Arabia. Nesma Airlines is a full-service carrier on international flights, meaning passengers can choose between business and economy classes. Passengers who fly within the United States are still treated well. In economy class, they get free hot and cold drinks and snacks. In addition to the meals that have already been booked, other food and drinks may be bought on board, depending on the path and destination. The airline started running in June 2010, and its first business flight was to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, just one month later. The company also runs a private service that takes passengers to Egypt and Europe on holiday. In 2011, Nesma began running regular flights within Saudi Arabia to Tabuk and Taif. In 2016, it added flights between Riyadh and Jeddah, which became its new operating base. Now up to six flights a day are going between the two places. One hundred passengers took Nesma Airlines' first domestic scheduled trip from Baghdad to Basra after Saddam Hussein's regime fell on June 4, 2005. Since 1985, Nesma Airlines has not run a trip from Baghdad to Tehran, Iran. On November 6, 2005, they did finally do so. The flight, along with the rest of the fleet, was run by Teebah Airlines of Jordan for the company. The first Nesma Airlines trips to Minsk, Belarus, took off in February 2017 after years of planning. The first flight from Nesma Airlines touched down at Vnukovo Airport in Moscow, Russia, on September 17, 2017. Another person who started this queue was Ambassador Haidar Hadi. The first flight was with Transport Minister Kadhim Finjan Al Hammami. Looking for cheap Nesma Airlines tickets to Saudi Arabia? World Flight Vibes has great deals to help you find the best price on your next flight.
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