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Get cheap Jordan Aviation flight tickets to Amman from the UK when you book through World Flight Vibes. The airline has flights to more than 30 places. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Jordan Aviation tickets to Asia, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
Jordan Aviation was founded in 1998, and its first flight was in November 2000. The airline's main office is at Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, also its home. It regularly flies to Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, the UAE, and Ukraine, all in Europe and the Middle East. The airline has a collection of Airbus and Boeing flights, including the A320, A330, B737, and B767. Jordan Aviation wants to provide customer service to become the best low-cost airline in Jordan and the Middle East. There are 6 branches of Jordan Aviation. AOne TV, Jav Technic, APSD, Alexandria Aviation, Joury Invest, SunDays, and Juv Technic. Looking for cheap Jordan Aviation tickets to Jordan? World Flight Vibes has great deals to help you find the best offers on your next flight.
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