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Book Air Nostrum Flight Tickets through World Flight Vibes and get cheap Air Nostrum tickets to Valencia from the UK. The airline flies to over 60 destinations. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Air Nostrum tickets to Europe, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
The main hub of Air Nostrum is in Valencia Spain. It is a separate airline and a partner of Iberia Airlines, so it goes by the name "Iberia Regional." Air Nostrum is a part of the Oneworld alliance through Iberia. Ninety-one domestic and international routes go to 51 locations, as well as charter flights. Most of their routes leave from three airports: Barcelona, Madrid, and Valencia. The company began flying in 1994 and added train service in 2017. It was founded in 1994 as Líneas Aéreas del Mediterraneo/Air Nostrum and had its first flight that same year. The airline only had a few domestic trips when it first started, and it wasn't until years later that it started flying to other countries. The airline made a deal with Iberia in 1997 to work together. As a result it became an Iberia operator and changed its name and brand to Iberia Regional. The airline has grown its route network significantly thanks to several mergers. When it teamed up with Iberia in 1997 its first union was with Binter Mediterraneo. Iberia already owned Binter Mediterraneo, and when Air Nostrum and Iberia merged, all of Binter Mediterraneo's flights were taken over by Iberia Regional. Iberia joined with Aviaco in the second big merger. Instead of Iberia's mainline planes taking over Aviaco's routes Iberia gave them to Iberia Regional. It combined with Denim Air, a Dutch airline, in 1999, which was the next merger. Iberia Regional took over Denim Air's routes, but the company chose to stop running them after a few years. In 2015 Air Nostrum joined Amaszonas to form Amaszonas Paraguay, now known as Paranair. Air Nostrum and CityJet, an Irish airline, said they would join forces in July 2018 to make the biggest regional airline in Europe. These companies, on the other hand, run under different names. Get cheap Air Nostrum tickets to Spain? With World Flight Vibes great deals, you can find the best price on your next flight.
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