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Book Air Macau Flight Tickets through World Flight Vibes and get cheap Air Macau tickets to Macau from the UK. The airline flies to over 20 destinations. Save on airline tickets while booking cheap Air Macau Tickets to Asia, find great deals for your next flight, and enjoy more with Our Flight Vibes are Good Vibes Only!
The primary airline of Macau is Air Macau, which flies to many places in China and other parts of East Asia. The airline's main airport is Macau International Airport (MFM), which goes to more than 20 destinations. Air Macau was created in 1994, and its first flights were between Macau, Beijing and Shanghai in 1995. When it opened for business, the airline was the first to fly to Macau since 1962. China National Aviation Corporation, STDM, EVA Air, and the Government of Macau all own Air Macau. Most of Air Macau's flights go across the Taiwan Strait. There are a lot of trips between Macau, Taipei, and Kaohsiung. Air Macau works with Air China, All Nippon Airways, Asiana Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and Shenzhen Airlines to share flight numbers. Looking for cheap Air Macau tickets to Macau? World Flight Vibes provides great deals, ensuring you get the best price for your next flight.
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